Posted : 4/25/2010 2:17:30 PM
when i first took Zoey to puppy class I never picked her up, and she was having a fit - I was waiting for her to be calm to reinforce, but then the trainer told me to pick her up & face her away from the stimuli, I was like 'uh....' so thats where i get the picking up from. Before I always just would wait until she decided to pay attention to me or be calm so I could reinforce. I always figured - let her have her fit, she'll get ignored for it, but as soon as she's calm she'll get treats/praise.
And the other thing with puppy class - more so on the first day when we had off leash play, is physically picking her up was the only option to keep something from escalating, and maybe setting her back with being social with other puppies, if the puppies were on leash I would have the option to remove her with out picking her up, but that wasn't the case during that first encounter. Oh and it is aggrivating when we have our pups on leash and I keep telling one lady that my dog needs her space and she keeps looking away and letting her dog wander over to Zoey, so I was stuck with constantly moving her about every time someone's dog decided that it wanted to come over while the owner was off in 'la la land'.
So I guess I need to retrain myself back to how I originally was?
I don't pick her up with the chickens, I haven't picked her up again with her being a butt to Amber, so the only time I did it again was at her appointment, but I didn't continue to hold her. It was just one of those situations where I had not had enough opportunities to train her to have the right reaction - since I don't know many strange dogs to train with. So it was bad planning on my part. Previously at my vet, she could be in the same waiting room with 3 or 4 dogs and had no problems, no barking nothing. She'd look at them, they would bark at her, and she would just sit there. Luckily it was only one time where i had to pick her up - but that can be very reinforcing in itself - just like it only takes a dog one time to get into the garbage to get rewarded & do it again anytime he/she gets a chance.
Just like anytime she is in the front yard, every single time she gets
to chase a car down the fence line she gets rewarded for that behavior,
just by doing it. So I've opted to keep her in the back yard ( not right
now since she just got spayed), so she doesn't have the opportunity to
chase cars & keep pushing back the success with not chasing cars on
leash. I know this is difficult for her being the breed she is. But
she's come a long way and now only wants to chase cars on our street, if
we go to the cross street she's fine, if we go out into town, she's
fine. Apparently our road is her turf, so she thinks they need to be
Looking back I almost wished I had asked the guy to stay back further - cuz he approached, Zoey was fine, his dog started barking at her and Zoey decided that it wasn't ok, and the guy was saying 'quit it' or something similar and thwacking his dog on the butt. I almost thing that if he was back another 5'then everything would've been fine. I purposely got there to be first in line to set Zoey up for success so she wouldn't be sitting in a room of strange dogs - this particular office has a VERY small waiting room - I'm talking like 10 x 8' or something, it's teeny.
I had been using kinda a premack principle with the cars - because waiting until she was calm wasn't working, the opportunity was too short - I imagine if the car stopped and sat there running I might have an opportunity, but they go by so fast she doesn't' think about it & just reacts. So I started to hold her by the collar when the car came by and give her a handful of treats, that seemed to work a little bit. I did this religiously for about 2 or 3 weeks. some times it was a really good reaction, and one time I even saw her lick her lips when a car drove by ( but we were far from it, out of her threshold area). Then the other day I tried something different, and it seemed to have a good effect on her. The reason I tried something different is a particular car drove by and she very enthusiastically at the treat from my hand - but with almost too much force than I was comfortable with.
So I tried this - hold her by the collar, placing one hand on chest,( she's in the sitting position) and as the car drove by ( we were as far from it as physically possible) I purposely exhaled very slowly - relaxing myself. The few times I did this rather than get all crazy about the car she sat there and looked up at me as if to say 'what are you doing??' So I was hoping since I was intently relaxing my body & slowing my breath that would transfer over to her. And it seemed like it worked pretty well. I know it sounds kinda stupid and 'zen' but it seemed to relax her.
When she had a good reaction I praised the crap outta her, which she loved and totally ignored any lingering 'I wanna chase that' feelings.