Posted : 3/6/2010 6:26:57 PM
I've never heard of taking the top off the crate, so can't really comment on that. What's the supposed purpose of doing that? Is the crate too small for him?
To crate train Harry when he was a puppy, I made a game out of it. I'd toss a treat inside, or several treats, and he'd run in to find the treats. We did this in 5 minute sessions several times a day. He also was fed every meal in the crate. Its all about making the dog think that the crate is the BEST place in the world to be.
When you leave him in the crate, be sure to leave him with something to keep him occupied. Some fun (safe!) toys, and a Kong stuffed with something yummy (try peanut butter, or plain yogurt frozen inside the Kong). This will give him something to do while he's alone in there.
Also, never open the door when he whines. The door should only be opened when the pup is completely quiet and settled. Otherwise you'll end up with a pup that whines and barks non-stop.
Good luck!