Posted : 3/3/2010 1:20:12 PM
Here's an example of my routine:
wake up, get zoey out of her crate, outside to go potty.
then back into the crate with a food toy ( while momma works out lol)
back outside for potty & to hang out with the other dogs until I get ready for work
walk to work - training loose leash walking along the way
in ex pen @ work with a kong full of regular food ( small pup kong)
2 hours later out for potty & loose leash walking training
in ex pen again with another kong
2 hours later potty & loose leash walking - in the yard for lunch
I repeat ( go back to work & in ex pen with kong/potty breaks) when I go back to work.
walk home training along the way, hang out in the yard with other dogs.
then depending on my schedule - 30min-1 hour of training/play time or hang out chewy time ( potty break @ the end)
back in the crate with a food toy
out to potty before bed, then back in the crate with food toy for sleepy night night
on the weekends it's similar but no work and more walks/training or going for car rides.
It sounds like alot of food but her puppy kong doesn't hold that much food, I give her just enough to settle & realize she needs to be in relaxation mode.