Posted : 11/23/2009 12:12:20 AM
You got it Glenda! Thanks for realizing what I was actually trying to say. I really didn't expect people on this dog forum to accept a dog hater...but what would I know??
The only dogs I have heard of being drugged are dogs who are too shy or aggressive to be examined and that is not something that is considered ethical.
Or to help maintain focus.
It sounded like everything which was suggested you said wouldn't work because Gibby doesn't like it.
Well I don't think he would like being tied to my husband....but that is the first thing I said I will have to do.
The crate is gone so that is not an option.
I don't think he likes being barricaded but I said I barricade him often...just not with company because there was no need to. To barricade him in my bedroom where the bathroom is that people will go to...and where probably the baby will need to be diaper changed, and where it will probably get knocked down and we will have to keep putting him back in and picking it back up.....isn't really less stressful.
I only have one dog, he has always been with our guests and has not bothered anyone. If they are eating snacks or so..he knows to lay down, no where near them, which he does. He MIGHT go into zoomies...never know about that from one time or the next.....he MIGHT jump on someone when they come into the house which I will do my best to not let happen ( as I said before it is a GREAT idea to keep them away and let him greet after the guest come in, wish I had started to train him for that...AND WILL ). However my problem my DIL who will be looking for problems with the dog...especially since she hates dogs and possibly DH who always is in charge of the dog while I am preparing in the kitchen...and starts watching TV. Then there is my 80 some year old MIL that will also be there....who I have to also watch, so he doesn't get too close to her if she doesn't have her walker.
I often suggested that people put their dogs away when guests come over and allow the guests to come in and hang around for at least 15 - 20 minutes before letting the dog out. As a rule, this usually improves the dog's interaction with the guests because the dog doesn't have to deal with the excitement of people coming through the door.
Thats a wonderful idea....however much different than locking your dog up everytimes someone comes over and don't let him out.... except for once in a while as the lady did with my SIL.
I do think that if I had an aggresive dog that I had to worry about..... or a bunch of dogs that people would hate......or a dog that is sick or smells or is otherwise offensive to everyone..... I might think its best to keep them away from my guests. However I have one dog...and even though he is large puppy who isn't trained to follow immediate commands like a chosen few are trained.....I do believe that he should not have to be kept away from guests. He should not be allowed to bother them...but I'm not talking about my dog bothering people...I'm talking about a certain PEOPLE that will be bothered because he is there.
This thread has reminded me of what I should have been working on when guests come over. I had to work with Bubblegum where I had my son stop over once in a while...but it was easy knowing I needed to do that...I was afraid Bubby might bite someone that came in. Gibby is so friendly ( thank God ) that I only try to keep him down...instead of working to train him so that he won't go to the door and the guest as they are walking in. That will be something to work on right away, maybe by Christmas I can have that under better control.