Posted : 12/5/2007 3:22:39 PM
I was the one suggesting it might be stickied. If not, that's fine, too.
The way I look at it, I can click on a link, regardless of someone's opinion. FWIW, I have sometimes clicked on the DW links even though I know the authors of that thread have their own opinion of clicker training. FWIW #2, I can like clicker training and +R training and not like Jean's video with the corrective equipment. Whether she was right or wrong. I think we each can form our own opinions. And I don't disagree with someone on everything because I disagree with them on one thing. Another member here thinks Nutro is a low-grade food. It is the food I feed. But we can agree wonderfully on other things. And this person might render an opinion to someone else that Nutro is low-grade. And that's fine. It's an opinion. What's hard to guess, at times, is how an opinion might be interpreted.
"You can't please every one so you got to please yourself" - "Garden Party" by Ricky Nelson.