Posted : 4/9/2010 5:57:27 AM
But a good portion of dog owners who implement them just clip them on
and think, LO! Problem solved!
And, for them it is! If someone simply wants their pet to stop pulling them around, that solution works for them. A reinforcement, in this case, is all about what they want, not what you think they should want (same as dogs who really prefer a roast beef bit to a pat on the head). Many of the people I see don't give a rat's butt to teach their dogs to heel. They're too busy with work, kids' soccer games, caring for their elderly aunts, or any of the myriad of things that get in the way of caring about dog training being the number one priority. Guess what? They still love their dogs, many of them feed nothing but the best, take them to the best groomer in town, and mourn them when they die.
For me, it's about the relationship that people want with their dogs. And, if they are walking their dogs on GL's forever, I have no problem with it. That's better than having their arms pulled and not liking their walks with their best friends. And, most of my clients don't want to inflict pain on their dogs, which is why they were wrapping the stupid leash around their wrists five times, rather than buy a prong, before they even got to me. So, what works for them is fine, IMO, so long as the dog remains safe.