Into Homecooking.I have ordered some books.The Nature of Animal Healing,The Healthy Dog Cookbook,The Whole Pet Diet and Everything Cooking for Dogs Book.
This evening after work Frosty set by the frige waiting for the chicken I had fixed Tuesday.Nothing else would do.I think he is trying to tell me something.He does not like to eat most kibble foods I have tried and the one he does like to eat gives him very bad poops and other unpleasant side effects.
I hope I can figure this out.Myrt gains weight easy,she is not as active as Frosty.Doing this for Frosty will be easy compare to Myrt.I may need to seek a pro's advice since Myrt needs more fiber in her food.
I would like to get them some raw bones to chew on but I don't know what would be good to start them on. They have never had a raw bone.
They are very strong chewers.Any suggestions?
Frosty had a dental done a week ago.It took him at least a day and a half to get back to his active ball chasing self.Myrt's back teeth are needing to be cleaned but I feel uneasy about having her knocked out after seeing how hard it was on her brother.