Posted : 7/22/2009 8:18:15 AM
What kind of weaves do you have to work with? WAM, channel, 2x2?
Do you happen to have a Manners Minder?
Do you clicker train?
If you do not have the above, I would start with slowly varying your position while she does the poles. Do maybe two sets of six poles and cue the first and as she is in them, begin to slow down and only reward if she keeps going. If she does not keep going, restart and try again.
If you have a helper, you can have them set a toy at the end of the poles for the dog to run to but if they pop out, the toy gets pulled up.
If you clicker train, do only 4 or 6 poles and begin to move away from the dog and only click/reward once they do all of them. Occasionally do 10 or 12 to vary it but do your hardest distractions with fewer poles at first until the dog is successful most of the time.