Posted : 3/22/2009 11:11:44 PM
Those aren't grain fragments, they are whole grains. There's three different kinds, which can be scary with only the chicken listed - but checking the GA, it's 26% protein with only the chicken as a significant protein source. That means there's got to be a decent amount of chicken in there.
So, probably we are looking at a sensitivity issue. Ironically, it might be the chicken - because there is so much. This is the arrrgh thing about commercial food, you just never could ever find out what it is that made your dog react - you'll just have to switch to a different food.
The unstated question, whether soft frequent poops are an acceptable outcome - not for me - but first make sure we don't have an overfeeding problem, which that does sound a bit like. Since it's a food with a concentrated protein source, it's probably pretty calorie dense. If he's careless with the feeding cup or free feeding, that could be an issue too.