Posted : 3/6/2009 11:39:00 AM
You've gotten great advice from Jennie, and I don't have much to add on that technique, besides the fact that I love it, and it's what worked for Honor and Nike.
My only suggestion for a second type of luring would be what I've started to do for Eli. For some reason, Eli sits mostly straight, but ridiculously far away from me. I've started to lure him into the right position by luring him into the side of my leg, and then continuing the lure straight out. I bring him in super-tight to the side of my leg, because that gets him close, and the continuation of the straight-out lure keeps him straight. Almost like a slow-motion baiting toss for conformation.
Apollo will be a totally bomb-proof dog, I'm sure of it. I've had a few of those cry-worthy moments of happiness with Honor, where she looked at me instead of what was going on around her. It's a terrific feeling.