Rotating Recipes

    • Gold Top Dog

    Rotating Recipes

    I am in the midst of transitioning from a 50/50 mix of Eagle Pack Holistic/TOTW to 100% TOTW. 

    What I'd like to do is rotate between the recipes of that brand, maybe every couple of bags or so.

    My thought is because its the same brand, just a different recipe that I don't need to worry about transitioning each time.  Can I just go from one recipe to another without generally causing stomach upset.

    Thoughts please.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I rotate food every bag and never transition.  Doesn't matter if I choose a different formula within a same brand or switch over to one of the other brands I feed.  The dogs might get a mixture of old & new in one bowl by virtue of there being just a little bit left of the old food, but that's all I do.  Never had a problem with it.

    When you rotate frequently they get used to it.  Plus, I've noticed that rotating among premium foods is a far different story than rotating amongst junk.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Rotating "within" a brand has never made much sense to me. The point of "rotating" commercial brands is to "Cover your all your bets". Within a brand they generally don't change the "Base nutrients mix" from flavor to flavor, so all of the formulas probably have the same nutritional deficits. So you'd want to rotate across brands, not within brands. So let's pretend for an example that all of the TOTW brands are slightly deficient in Micronutrient A, and have a very low level of Toxin C, and slightly too much Micronutrient B. After a month on TOTW these slight imbalances don't really matter, but after two years on TOTW it may indeed start to matter. So if you rotate off TOTW to say NV, which probably doesn't have the exact same pattern of imbalances but will have its own imbalance pattern, you can sort of "correct" for the problem and improve the chances of your dog having the most optimal health he can.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see what you are saying wrt the nutritional mix.  I was considering rotating within brand for simply variety of flavor.  Nuts?  Maybe.  Do they care?  Dunno...but Heidi is such a finicky eater with a sensitive stomach.  Sometimes its hard to get her to finish her meals.

    Because I do not rotate much, the stomachs get upset when I trying to alleviate that as much as possible.  I suppose if I did more rotations, the stomach upset would lessen.

    So, for someone like me who has typically not been a rotater, I'm considering rotating flavors. 

    Thoughts, more suggestions welcome.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Heidi is such a finicky eater with a sensitive stomach.  Sometimes its hard to get her to finish her meals.

       Rotating is fine but since you have a sensitive girl I would transition carefully even if it's the same brand but a different flavor. The change in protien sources may be enough to cause an upset stomach. Jessie is sensitive and it usually takes 2 weeks to change her from one food to another.