I really would like to try to get Kovu off commercial food. I kind of think that it, and not necessarily overfeeding, is the reason he's so fat (16 pounds last I checked. He's a big boy, but should probably only be 12 or 13).
Problem is he's not been interested the times I've tried. I bought a pouch of the Feline Future Instincts stuff, and I tried a couple different raw meats with it (chicken, turkey, and pork, I think), but he could not have been less interested. Now Kovu pretty much eats anything (any kind of commercial cat food, dog food, people food..including beans and rice I made the other night, lol) so this was odd. I tried cooking the meat, but then it didn't mix well with the powder, and he wasn't into that either.
Right now he eats Evo, which is fine and dandy, and he likes it a lot, but I was really hoping I'd see his weight go down a bit, and I haven't. If I drop his portions too much, he just goes and steals the other cats' food (Science Diet, bleh!). Same thing would happen if I tried any sort of "tough love" approach to the fresh foods.
So I'm just wondering who doesn't feed their cats commercial food, and what you feed them. And if anyone has any tips, that'd be fabulous. Thanks.