I feed TOTW to the boys. The exception being Aesop, who doesn't do well with only a grain free food (mud poos), so gets a half and half mix of TOTW and Solid Gold Wolf Cub. (it's the SG formula he likes best..he doesn't like the regular puppy formula and will refuse to eat anything in his bowl if it is in there) We're adding a smaller pup soon (there's a thread in General Chat) ..hard to say with a well mixed dog, but I would guess about 15 lbs fully grown, give or take. Can he also eat the Wolf Cub? We currently have 3 kibbles plus Ginger's canned going, I'd hate to add yet another type to the mix, though I would if need be (we have the TOTW, Ginger's kibble, and the Wolf Cub as far as kibbles go) He's currently at the vets, so is being started on Science Diet (bleh), so anything has to be an improvement on that.