Liver Failure Reversal Diet

    • Puppy

    My little girl, Jesse, is currently in an emergency clinic fighting for her life thanks to advanced liver disease.  She has gone against any of the stuff in textbooks so this has been horrible to go through with her.  I was probably slower than I normally would have been to respond to her picky eating...unfortunately, I had a death in the family and although I noticed that she wasn't as excited about her food, she was still eating.  It wasn't until she had a small seizure that I raced her in to our vet.  They noted only mildly elevated liver counts so they put her on an antibiotic and a few other meds before sending her home thinking it was an infection.  1 week later, I was taking her back because she wasn't eating and she was starting to be lethargic.  Today she is fighting for her life and I can't believe she went from only slightly elevated counts to "might not make it".  I feel like an aweful pet parent.  She isn't eating and she had a reaction to the biopsy procedure so she has gotten both plasma and blood over the past 24 hours.  I really hope I can try this diet...

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm so happy Molly is home and doing better.  I have no medical advice but it seems you're doing well with her diet and getting her to eat and gain some weight.  We never have any guarantees about how long we'll have them with us.  I know how hard it is to not know.  I also understand how every day that they feel good is a gift.  Sending you lots of encouragement and hoping you have many more good days with your girl.

    • Puppy

    Hi Kelly Lynn, how is your jesse doing? I know it can be so hard; and when family stuff and going on it can be hard to notice health changes.

    Thanks jackieG and to everyone for all your support. Molly seems to be doing good. She's still on steroids and the milk thistle and Sam E tablets. Her eyes look much whiter... to look at her now she doesn't look ill at all; just a little too skinny. but she seems to be filling out a little (Eating like a little horse... which is great to see). She seems to really like the natural food mixed in with prescription diet; although a little runny sometimes and her toilet breaks seem to be all over the place - she was like clockwork before; not she might go in house in the middle of the night. i still get really worried if there are any changes; like looking tired, too quiet, darker pee, etc etc..... think I'm a little over paranoid now.... shes getting sick of the eyes, teeth and ear check every morning!!

    I hope everyone is keeping well..... Autumn really kicking in here; the place is littered with read and gold leaves but at least it's not too cold yet!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Glad to hear Molly is eating well and looking so much better.  It's impossible not to get somewhat paranoid when you've got a dog that was so ill.  I've been there too and know how any tiny thing is magnified into something horrendous in our mind.  Continued good thoughts for her and for you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    it is amazing what the milk thistle and SAM-e can do.  You may find it beneficial (see how it goes) to continue milk thistle even after the numbers return to normal.  I've got one (my pug) who simply has a genetically sucky liver and I can tell - just by doing sporadic bloodwork - that her liver numbers go up and down with **everything** -- from heartworm preventive to the monthly spraying my city does for mosquitos.  Usually I do a 3 weeks on 1-2 weeks off thing that keeps her liver numbers where they should be. 

    If you read way back in this thread -- my corgi/sheltie mix that went thru a massive liver infection (that he caused himself by returning to food he had regurgitated previously -- except it laid in the Florida sun overnight?? (and he hid it well!!)  Talk about a bacteria cocktail!!  But he reacted much the way your dog did only faster -- and I had two vets trying hard to convince me to put him to sleep because they were only looking at the bloodwork and the ultrasound, but weren't hearing me when I claimed what he'd eaten had been so contaminated (I cleaned it up--- I know exactly what he threw up and when!!). 

    In his case it needed some big antibiotics -- but the liver does regenerate most of the time and like you said it can be amazing that one day they are literally at death's door and within a short period of time they feel SO much better.

    I haven't delved back into this -- but do you know what may have triggered the liver to suddenly worsen?  

    No further seizures?  (liver toxicity can easily cause seizures but getting the liver settled down should help a lot)

    I"m SO happy she's doing well.  She obviously has a great dog Mom!!  I am SO glad this is going well for you!!!  Sometimes these old threads really help folks!!!

    • Bronze

    Hi!  I just joined the site yesterday and posted about my Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix Cody.  He has elevated liver enzymes and has not responded the way I would like. I've got him on Sam-E and milk thistle and on Dr. Dodds Liver cleansing diet which I spread out at LEAST 4 times a day.  No one has replied to my post but I found I'm doing a lot of the things you guys talk about in here and was wondering if any of you have any more advice for me. ANY advice is welcome!  

    Here is the link to my post:

    It's long :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    The forum is going thru a big software change and not many folks are posting now -- again I'm going to put my email out there -- -- so we can gather this together so I can help you expediently.

    Both of the posts you replied to are really old (like 2007 and 2008) -- that's because HAPPILY the new software makes the stuff that is archived more available, but since not many folks are posting you're not getting much response (and me with the sciatica, I haven't been able to 'sit" at the computer since yesterday and then for only a few minutes).

    this is all very good -- Dr. Dodd's liver diet is incredible.  But typically there are more ingredients in it  The cod/white fish are specifically included to **heal** the liver.  Here is a PDF with the more complete diet:

    In general it is the "bitter greens" (parsley, cilantro) that are the food herbs that help cleanse the liver.  You'll probably need to put it thru a food processor (celery is a bugger to get it broken down enough for the dog to digest it). 

    • Puppy

    I realize this is years after your post but I had to let you know that this diet saved my 10 year old Schnauzer. She was battling a MRSA skin infection she contracted from an unsanitary groomer. The harsh antibiotic regime she was placed on damaged her liver and kidneys. I almost lost her. She lost 8 pounds in a month and had to be admitted to the hospital for 4 days. After that, I was sent home with IV fluids to administer subcutaneously twice a day and return to the vet twice a week. She was placed on a milk thistle based liver support tablet and 2 renal support nutriceuticals. I scoured the internet for nutritional support and stumbled upon your post. I have been cooking for her for the last 8 weeks now and not only is she recovering, she is gaining weight back and catching vermin again. My vet congratulated me on her miraculous recovery and I provided him with this diet to pass on to other patients with similar liver/renal issues. Thank you!

    • Puppy

    Hi,  I have a 12 year old female Polish Lowland Sheepdog - she was rushed in for emergency surgery 4 weeks ago as her gallbladder ruptured - her gallbladder was removed and she recovered from the operation.  However it was very difficult to get her to eat.  She'd eat one thing one day then refuse it after that.  She then went back to the vets just over a week ago to be put on a drip as fluid was in her stomach - the vet initially thought this was peritonitis - but she did not respond to the drip and got depressed at the vets (I visited everyday) - the vet phoned me last Tuesday and told me she had liver failure which caused the fluid and also told me that she had days rather than weeks to live.  I insisted on taking her home and did some googling and came across this reversal diet - I tried cooking her some of the food listed and hey presto I got her eating small amounts, and from a bowl not handfed - over the bank holiday weekend I got her on 4 small meals a day and was doing well.  But I had to work my lunch break yesterday to make up time I had off for vet appointments - my mum let my dogs out for me but gave Sasha a Pedigree White Bone biscuit as she could not get her to eat - now I cannot get her to eat her food at all!  She just turns her nose away if I waft it under her nose!  I am assuming the biscuit has made her tummy sore again?  Is there anything you can suggest to get her eating again - or do I just have to keep trying?  I was doing so well with her - she is alert in herself - she comes to find me if I leave the room, she gets up and down the stairs to my flat and I have a doggy pushchair that I have been taking her out in - she gets out and has a little walk.  She is happy out on walks and keeps her head up and looks around her.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    • Puppy

    Also can you tell me more about Milk Thistle?  I went to a local pharmacists and read the leaflet inside but it says to consult pharmacist if suffering from Liver problems - obviously the pharmacist would not commit to anything re a dog!  Everything I read about Liver Failure says to give Milk Thistle but am reluctant to do so as do not want to make matters worse!  The vet that has been dealing with Sasha throughout this is on holiday this week - I have another appointment with him on Monday.

    • Gold Top Dog

    You can email Callie and she'll tell you about Milk Thistle.  Her email is in a post or two above this one.  Milk Thistle is pretty harmless and you can't really give too much unless you just go wild.  I'd say a dog that size could probably get several teaspoons a day.  Callie is the resident expert on Milk Thistle and she'll be glad to answer any of your questions if you send her an email.

    I'm sorry your dog is so sick and I hope things turn around for the better.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I got your email and I'm trying to respond to it -- milk thistle and SAM-e both (and I think you can get that in the UK.  Tell me where you are specifically and I'll tell you what to tell your chemist. is my email (Thanks Jackie!!!)

    • Puppy

    How do I get it her to eat it?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is the dog eating at all??   If you puree it in a food processor and add a bit of water, you can use a baby medicine syringe  and put the tip right behind the canine tooth.  Hold the mouth loosely shut  (you just don't want them jerking their head away in a panic and hurting themselves).   Syringe it in slowly giving enough slack so they can work their tongue to swallow (this way you don't have them aspirate it)

    But if the dog is off food totally you MUST get your vet involved -- the vet can give an anti-nausea med.

    Most dogs actually love the liver-cleansing diet because they love the fish.

    • Puppy

    I would love to try this, but she won't eat the diet especially the sweet potatoe. What can I do about a finicky eater? Any suggestions?