Anyone tried Natural Balance A.M.P?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Anyone tried Natural Balance A.M.P?

    I've still been on the "search" for a food for Falon.  She just went through a 40lb bag of Pinnacle Duck & Oats but she just kept pooping in HUGE volumes (I mean HUGE).  She's very active, but I wouldn't consider her a "working" dog which is why I was looking for a food in the ~27% protein range and less than 500 kcal/cup.  (The NB A.M.P is 489/cup)  She also doesn't have any known allergies, so protein/grain source isn't an issue.

     I already bought a bag to mix with the small amount of Pinnacle I had left, but I was curious to see if anyone has tried it w/ good results? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    No, but if you try it, let me know how you like it. I was looking at it for my border collie, he's very active and I have trouble keeping weight on him. I've used NB before and like it, but I have to feed more than some of the other foods.

    • Gold Top Dog


    No, but if you try it, let me know how you like it. I was looking at it for my border collie, he's very active and I have trouble keeping weight on him. I've used NB before and like it, but I have to feed more than some of the other foods.


     I just started her on it yesterday and she really likes it (it's a very "rich" looking kibble--more dense and uniform than typical NB kibbles).  I will report back after she's been on it for awhile. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I looked on their website and I like some of the ingredients better than the regular but my dogs are couch potatoes except for their walks and this may be too dense for them

    • Gold Top Dog

     Wondering how you are liking the A.M.P. for your dogs?

    I got a bag that we started today, so I'm curious to hear your opinions. My girls have done fine on the regular NB Ultra Premium, but I've noticed they have rearranged their ingredient list - not as many meat based proteins in the first 5 ingredients as when we started feeding it. I'm wondering if that correlates to when Keela started having weight problems back the first of the year. Keela doesn't do good with higher protein like what Innova has, so I am hoping that the slight increase from the regular ultra to this formula works for her.

    Anything worth updating?