Warm food vs Cold food

    • Gold Top Dog

    Warm food vs Cold food

    Hi again!

    So many questions! So little time!

    So I mix some canned food with the kibble. Since I dont use up the whole can I stick it in the fridge so it wont spoil. So when I take out for the next serving, it is cold. Should I wait for it to get warm (or warm it up myself using our oven) or is it ok for her to be eating it "fresh out of the fridge".

    Oh and I read somewhere here that it is bad to microwave the dog food. Why?

    • Gold Top Dog

    It is said that the microwave destroys nutrients.  True or not I don't know.

    My dogs eat their homecooked straight out of the fridge every nite.  When I had fewer dogs, I used to heat it a bit, but with 6, well, they'd be standing on their heads waiting for their food!

    If you aren't comfortable giving really cold canned, use a bit of warm water to take the chill off before you add it to the kibble.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I make homemade food and warm it in the mircrowave or stove.

    • Puppy
    What kind of food do you make?


    • Gold Top Dog

    You can heat up some water and mash it into the canned food before you add it to the kibble.   I use a combo of canned and homecooked for dinner, and its all kept in the fridge.   I heat up enough water to moisten everything and mix the food into the heated water - it doesn't make the food "warm" but it takes most of the fridge chill out of it.   since you're mixing it with kibble (which I assume is at room temperature) you probably don't have to warm it at all.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Depends on the dog and what it's used to.  My old Prissy would have told you that NO-buddy likes COLD food (and the royal nose would have turned up and she would have glared at you!!! *sniff*)

    *grin*  THAT being said (Yes, Miss Pris, even tho you've been gone about 13 years I still think of YOU first!!)  None of the dogs I've had since gave a flying fig whether it was cold or warm just that there was LOTS and was "regular". 

    Like Glenda, I home cook and my three eat it straight from the fridge.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I never,ever feed my dogs food straight from the fridge,not even cold cut sandwich meats.You dont need to microwave it,although this is the easiest and quickest option.You could put their portions under the grill or in the oven for a few minutes,or in a bowl of hot water until heated through,or nuke if for 8-10 seconds until it's warm.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ginger's on all canned now, which must be mixed with water. Usually I use warm, but sometimes there's not time to wait around for it to warm up (usually morning meals, which we have to rush) and then it's cold. She could really care less either way

    • Gold Top Dog

    I also agree with mixing it w/ a small amt. of warm water.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for all the replies. I noticed that she really could care less. But sometimes I do try to get it to room temperature before giving it to her or put a lil warm water in. I mixed in some brocolli head pieces in for her dinner too and she loved that!

    • Silver

    I have one dog that will eat her food cold, hot, it doesn't matter.  I have another one that is picky and will not eat the food if the can was in the fridge so I microwave for about 8 seconds, just enough to get the chill off and make it room temp.  However, I find it strange that she will eat cold cheese, lunch meat,etc. but not her can food.

    • Gold Top Dog

     My dogs don't mind eating their food straight out of the fridge, except on cold winter mornings.  I do microwave it for a few seconds then.

    The rest of the year they eat cold food with no ill effects at all. 

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