Joint supplements for working dogs?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Joint supplements for working dogs?

    Does anyone give their working dog a joint supplement?
    Perhaps this enters my head because I come from the horse world -- where it is very common to have our sport horses on a multitude of supplements, joint supplements being very popular.
    Luke is 3 1/2 and a large breed (Lab/Shepherd -- 27" and 92lbs).  He is incredibly active and lately I swear I'm starting to hear him crack & pop when he moves after laying around for a long while.  I'm wondering if a joint supplement would be a good preventative maintenance idea for him to keep him going strong in agility in the years to come.
    Cosequin is a popular horse joint supplement and I see that they have a dog formula available.  Anyone familiar with this?  Or do you have any other recommendations?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Lots of folk use the Springtime products..
    • Gold Top Dog
    Would that be the Joint Health chewables?  It looks like a good product, and they have a sale going on now (buy 2 get 1 free)....  Hmmm.  Dogs find these palatable?  I'll have to do some more reading, but they look good!
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think a joint supplement is a great idea for any large dog. We started ours at six months of age. At 7 1/2 Tasha's & Floyd's joints are excellent & Wolfgang is functioning far better than the x-rays of his hips would indicate (he has dysplasia). At worst it's a waste of money. At best, it could spare them a lot of pain and perhaps you some money.
    I haven't used Cosequin. It's pretty pricey for three dogs, but I've heard it's good. I use the Vetri-Science products. Tasha & Floyd get Pet Naturals of Vermont & Wolfgang gets Gycoflex III. The difference between the two is price and that the Gycoflex III has more for pain rather than just preventative.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I do. At about 3 years I start a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement, and at around 7ish I amp it up some. My 7 year old, June, and my 9 year old, Ginger, and my 13 year old, Zippy, get Synovi G3 - it has MSM. My 3-1/2 year old just gets the Foster & Smith Joint Care 1.

    They all get fish oil. The one dog who has obvious pain also gets a Chinese Herb anti-inflammatory.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks for the replies!  After thinking it over, it really does make sense for Luke to be on a joint supplement with as much as I ask of him (and with how active he chooses to be on his own!).  I just placed an order for what should be a six month supply of the Springtime Joint Health chewables.  I couldn't pass up that buy two get one free deal!  [:D]
    Now let's just hope that Luke eats them okay or I'll be spending the next six months trying to disguise them in something else.  lol  I'm not thinking it will be a problem, though.  I mean, if he'll eat Heartguard this can't be any worse than that.
    Hopefully this helps keep Luke healthy & active into his golden years.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Mine don't like to eat theirs. I bought a mortar & pestle and put it in their meals. Always an option if he's uncooperative.
    • Gold Top Dog
    All my dogs are on joint supplements. I too am converted from the horsey world so I am a big advocate of joint supplements. [:)] I know what a difference a good supplement can make in a horse's life. I have been using Nupro for a few years and I really like it not only because it has glucosamine but it also has MSM. Dasher has been on it since he was 6 months old. Before Nupro I used Glyco-flex which I thought was ok too. All my dogs have been or are working agility dogs so the better I can maintain their joint health the better. Its the least I can do for how hard they try for me. [;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Really stupid question - where do you get a mortar and pestle? I give Ben a gigantic pill that is supposed to be tasty but not even my eat-everything dog will eat them - they must be nasty. I currently squash it on the counter but that's so messy and wasteful.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hey Becca,
    Here is what I found..

    They also sell regular pill crushers here:
    [link]Pill Crusher[/link]

    Hope that helps!
    • Gold Top Dog
    where do you get a mortar and pestle?

    Not a stupid question. I got one at Bed Bath & Beyond.

    ETA: If that's not convenient, they have them on Amazon. I got the marble one for about $15.00. I tdoes fine in the dishwasher.
    • Gold Top Dog
    everything dog will eat them - they must be nasty. I currently squash it on the counter but that's so messy and wasteful.

    Uhm, good question.  Sometimes you'll see them with kitchen stuff.  I'd love to have one.  For the dog pills, however, I use paper and a meat tenderizer, but a regular hammer would do.  Fold paper in quarters, slip the pill in there and WHAP!!!
    I use joint supps on my boyz - 9 and 10.  Not on the Malinois (4) or Zpuppy (6mos).  All are agility, blah, blah, blah dogs (well, Z is in training).  I usually start around 6, but if I had heavier built dogs, I'd start earlier.  (The mal is very slightly built even given her breed).  I use a liquid suppliment since studies show that is more readily used by the body.  I have used K9 Liquid health (horse strenght so the boyz got 1tsp/day), but now am using a human suppliment (also liquid form).
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