At what time is it too late to feed?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Well, I work from 1:30-10pm.  So, once I get home and get changed and have a snack myself it's close to midnight.  But, I'm a night person so she might still be getting late walks even if I didn't work these hours.  But, it's summer now so it's easy.  Once it starts getting really cold my husband will walk her around 10 pm before I get home and that will be it. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    My dogs wanted me to tell you, for poor little Lizzie's sake (they're very compassionate, giving dogs[;)]) that it is NEVER too late, or too early, or too hot, or too cold, or too anything, to feed a dog. The best time to feed a dog is NOW!

    That's just what they said.....
    • Gold Top Dog
    Jenny, that is EXACTLY what I was going to say. I'm starting to think we were seperated at birth or something.

    Ben, who has somewhat zen tendencies, says "All times are dinnertime." >Ka BANG< (that's him throwing the dinner bowl at me).
    • Silver
    My two have their breakfast (dog biscuits and a handful of Kibble) after going outside in the morning around 0630. A light lunch(another handful of Kibble and maybe a snack) around noontime and then their main meal (Kibble with canned food, or cottage cheese or other add ons) around 5:00p.m. Maddie is eager to eat her evening meal, but Dugan often waits an hour or so to finish his dinner. I don't like to take away their food after 20min. if they haven't eaten. I figure they'll eat it when they're hungry. I really don't care when that is.
    • Gold Top Dog
    our dogs are fed around 6 am in the morning on weekdays (sometimes as late as 8 am on weekends). then they get fed again between 6:30 and 8:30 in the pm. they are fed at the same time we eat in the evenings, and it is generally in this time frame that we eat dinner.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Ben, who has somewhat zen tendencies, says "All times are dinnertime." >Ka BANG< (that's him throwing the dinner bowl at me).

    It's his personal gong! It is not a dinner bowl, grasshopper![sm=rofl.gif]
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: brookcove

    Ben, who has somewhat zen tendencies, says "All times are dinnertime." >Ka BANG< (that's him throwing the dinner bowl at me).

    LOL! [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: jennie_c_d

    My dogs wanted me to tell you, for poor little Lizzie's sake (they're very compassionate, giving dogs[;)]) that it is NEVER too late, or too early, or too hot, or too cold, or too anything, to feed a dog. The best time to feed a dog is NOW!

    That's just what they said.....

    Well Lizzie made me read that post 'cause I burst out laughing and she told me that makes perfect sense and demanded to be!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Thats almost the same times we feed Jake, Im up at 5 in the morning, and he never wants to eat that early.I love the new pic of your Lizzy, she`s beautiful.[;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Did I read in a past post of yours that Lizzy was born March the 8th 2006? Thats our Jakes birthday too

    • Gold Top Dog
    Aw Elizabeth, thank you! It had been so long since I had a camera to get photos of Liz, and shes changed so much! She was an ugly pup, but now shes looking good!
    Little Jake..I mean BIG Jake is very handsome! He looks like a very smart boy!
    Lizzie was born April 8th, but hey its only a month, and about 20lbs apart! [;)]
    How much is that big boy weighing? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I`m guessing 40 lbs. plus. We feed him Innova and his coat just gleams, and he is such a smart boy, he sits, stays, shakes,lays down, he`s such a good boy, his daddy taught him all that.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Mine get breakfast as SOON as I get up, be it 7:30 or 10:00.  They get theirs before the coffee goes on.  As for supper, that can really vary.  Normally it is around 5:50-6:00, but when I got out on the gambling boat it will be as early as 3:30.  On those days they get less in the morning as they get their fish/meat and veggies at night.
    Many times Buck does not eat breakfast.  His may sit there until I add the fish/meat & veggies.  Sometimes he will eat a little of it and I will add more kibble before the fish/meat & veggies.  Now Honey would eat every hour on the hour if I fed her that often!  She would be a real porker. KayCee always eats both meals entirely, but doesn't run around trying to find something else the way Honey does.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm thinking that if it's not too late to be hungry, it's not too late to eat. [:D] Max sometimes (especially if it's hot) goes all day without eating more than a couple of mouthfuls, then finishes everything about 9 p.m. or even later. It doesn't seem to hurt him any. And sometimes, he finishes everything by about 4 p.m. or so.

    • Gold Top Dog
    The kids are feed around 7-7:30am usually and then dinner is at 6pm. They get kongs and snacks in the morning and after 6 when my FI get's home during the work week. If we go out and they come with us we feed them later (Diego get's car sick). Lasts outs are around 11:30pm-12:30am.
    What can I say...we're young...haha [:D]