Posted : 11/22/2011 7:49:35 AM
I'm assuming a forced hold is not an option. I backchained it with Nikon, total freeshaping, and that worked for him (in his Schutzhund trial all of his holds were *perfect*, very firm and calm, NO chewing). He's a pretty serious dog and takes any kind of training, even freeshaping for little treats, very seriously. He started with food treats and progressed to a ball dropped from the chin. Pan was a total failure at this shaped hold and will be doing it another way next fall.
This is the write-up I did for my SchH club including links to Nikon's videos:
When you are at the point where the dog is taking the object correctly but you want to remove your hands, you have to move veeeery slow, like building 1/4 of a second at a time. What I saw was that for a few sessions the dog was dropping it after less than a second but then a lightbulb clicked and we went from 1/2 a second to infinite holding in just a few more sessions. This whole process start to finish took me a few months or marker work/shaping almost every day, sometimes multiple short sessions a day.
A lot of this is genetic and a formal retrieve is such a complex combination of so many behaviors and aspects of temperament, I would not pressure the dog too much in one aspect if that's just how it is.