With so many new people on the forum, I'll post a bit of history on Maze. Those of you that know this, just skip to the pictures
Maze is a 4yr Black Lab/BC mix who has allergies to the oddest stuff. And we're still finding more. Anyways, I got her at 4 weeks, vaccinated twice then she had a massive reaction to her shots so I stopped them. She was spayed at 8 months and pretty much stopped growing. When she was about 6 months old, she lost all her hair for no reason (that we could find). After trial and error we managed to get her coat back, We were also battling chronic ear infections. Because she was so sick, we missed the crucial socialization period and she became fear aggressive. She also was diagnosed with a bad heart. Now with everything else going on, we were playing musical kibble. We went from Pedigree to Evo to Healthwise to Cal. Nat. to TOTW to dehydrated raw. Nothing was helping. She stunk to high heaven, had horrible teeth. We couldn't keep weight on her. And she'd puke in the morning no matter what we did. In a fit of frustration I started cooking for her. My other dog (Sandy) was already being fed Raw at this point but I was worried about doing the same with Maze. Well she told me that she was ready for it and we made the switch from Homecooked to pure Raw (after MUCH research).
The change is amazing. Her smell is gone, her teeth are nice and white, her coat is soft and shiny. And she's a healthy weight! We're having a minor allergy attack right now that we're working through but other then that! Well.. Look for yourself
Before pictures
Here you can see how flat her coat was and how thin she was
Side view
One of many skin problems we dealt with
And hair loss...
Loosing the fur on her ears and around her eyes
I was hoping I had a picture of Maze's teeth but it seems to have vanished....
Full body shots
Now is this diet for everyone? NO! But for Maze, I feel it saved her life. She is a completely different dog.
Mods, if this is in the wrong place, feel free to move.