I'm so proud...

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm so proud...

    Tyson will be 4 months old tomorrow and since he got his last set of vacs a couple of weeks ago I've been taking him everywhere I can with me...we've made a few trips to the state park and his leash manners have basically been crap. He does great in the yard and familiar places, but pulls like crazy when he's in a new place. Today we went to the local park down the street to work on leash manners and do some socializing. The first kid that approached us caught him off guard and he barked a little, but as soon as I asked him to sit he calmed right down. The kid's mom came up with him and his brother (the kids were 2 and 3 and were ADORABLE!) Tyson sat there like a pro and let them pet all over him. He even stayed in a sit when another little kid came running and screaming past us. The only thing that freaked him out was when we walked past the tennis courts...every time someone hit the ball his head jerked back. I think we need to go and just sit and hang out by the tennis courts one day. As far as leash manners, he almost jerked my arm out of socket the first five minutes or so, but every time he bounded forward I dug my heels in and stopped. He'd turn and around and look at me like, "What tha poo ma?!" I brought him back beside me into a sit, counted to 5 in my head, gave him a "let's go," and repeated until we were FINALLY walked at least 20 steps before he tried to bound ahead. So we're definitely making progress!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Good job on making progress.  WTG, Tyson!   I find it's good to go and just sit out in public somewhere.  Just sit and feed treats for sitting and let him completely accept that all that is happening is... sitting.   Start out somewhere with fewer distractions and work your way to a busier, more exciting area.  Just sit.  It helps teach him self control.  He's doing great for such a young pup. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Good job Tyson!!

    Jackie's right. Start out small and build to harder distractions.