Posted : 12/17/2009 1:29:30 AM
I have been making this for my dogs for several years. Now I only have HOney left, having lost KayCee to cancer in May 2008 and Buck to heart attack in May 2007.
I( always use sweet potatoes and apples, but change up other veggies. Last time , two weeks ago I use a frozen bag of spinach leaves. I hae used broccoli, green gbeans, mixed veggies. I freeze containers for 5 meals (1/2 cup per meal) and Honey gets it for 5 nights with her Taste of the Wild kibblew, and then for the next 3 nights she gets canned mackeral or salmon. Then it is back to her chicken stew.
OI always add organ meat, usually chicken gizzards cut up, but sometimes beef liver cut up. I hAE ALSO USED HEART (BEEF), BUT CAN'T GET IT OFTEN. oH, ANY BONS TYHST ARE NOT CRUMBLY--TOSS IN TRASH.