Ok, around here it seems to be pretty common knowlege that you don't give dogs raw moose meat. At least everyone in the last couple weeks seems to know this. I didn't. I have always given it to them, with no problems. They've gotten it the last 3 years at least.
When asked, the only answer I've been provided with is because of Brain Worm. Which online translates to Meningeal Worms. What I can't find is, if they effect dogs. I can find lots of studies in White Tail Deer, mostly in the south, and some on moose and also on Llamas. But I've searched with a billion different phrases and words to see if a dog can contract them, and have come up with nothing. There are also no studies done on wolves or foxes, that I can find. I know wolves eat deer and moose.
Jen told me that Clayton told her a long time ago not to give her dogs moose meat, because of Flukes, which I think, loosely translates to the same thing. Again, I can't find anything to back this up. But its got me worried. I also know I have 2 deer spines and a few femurs on their way this weekend for my dogs. I'd like to give them to them, but of course now, I'm paranoid.
Can anyone point me in the right direction, or just tell me what is up? Sorry if this should have been in health...I couldn't decide.