I've been scouring the planet, looking for a grain-free, canned, no chicken/chicken fat, no ROSEMARY, moderate protein level dog food.
Pirate can't have rosemary - it's a BIG seizure trigger, for him. The other day I was checking out the Honest Kitchen's website. I saw their Preference pre-mix -- grain-free, add my own meat, I can adjust the protein up or down...AWESOME, I think, and I ordered a trial size. I double checked the ingredients, and was satisfied.
UNTIL today, when the package came and I stopped and read the fine print. Apparently they only list the first few ingredients on the website...and ROSEMARY isn't listed on the website, but it's on the actual packaging. Sigh.
I just don't understand, why do so many companies put rosemary in their food?? What is so special about friggen rosemary??
Also, if anyone wants my now-useless sample of Preference, let me know and I'll throw it in the mail. It's only a 4 oz package.