And if so, how do you tell?
I don't mean, continuous overeating, leading to obesity. I mean in one sitting.
The reason I ask is because my dogs aquired a mooseleg each yesterday, and Crusher also got part of a ribcage. He's been grazing on it ever since. Onyx too, but the legs have much less meat than the ribcage had, so I'm not too concerned with her. Crusher's belly looks full. And he's lazy. This morning while I was cooking breakfast for the boys, I dropped a bit of turkey bacon on the floor and he barely looked at it, much less get up and eat it. I even called for clean-up crew, which usually brings both dogs running, but ended up having to pick it up myself. (Onny was outside with her bone)
Crusher gets up to go outside every so often. Stays out there and gnaws on his bone for a bit, then comes back in, and lays on the kitchen floor. He'll get up and come check on me every so often, but that's about it. He's gassy too...ugh. We haven't gone for our walk either, mostly cause the first taste of moose each fall shoots right through him, and given the gorging himself thing, I don't feel like bringing a mop on our walk.
Still, he's not groaning like I would be, and he keeps going back for a bit more, though its just bone now really. Still good chewing. I remember someones dog eating a bag of food, and there being some concern about something...Moose meat is pretty low calorie though, so any thoughts?