Posted : 1/13/2011 12:34:48 AM
If you are open to it, TCVM does marvelous things for renal disease/early renal failure. The earlier you begin to treat the more success you have. TCVM is acupuncture and herbs -- I've used it with several dogs (Billy included) who have had severe renal issues. is the Chi Institute -- many of these folks are teaching vets at the University of Florida. On the left is a locator -- by state or zip code (and there are some awesome TCVM vets in Texas!! Amanda uses it on Bevo and her crew. If you are at all close to her she may be able to recommend someone specifically).
I **do NOT** mean to leave your vet -- this is 'complementary' therapy -- literally in addition to your regular stuff.
But I've gotten diets from TCVM vets that are awesome -- It can really be a wonderful alternative.