Posted : 12/4/2010 12:59:08 PM
I had a conversation about religion a while back, and the idea of religion is like a sandwich, offer it to me if I'm hungry, don't just shove it down my throat.
I think dog food ideals could be applied to that same statement.
As it turns out, we got a new fridge and a small chest freezer so plenty of space to have a shelf for thawing, as the girls do very well on a natural diet. I am not stuck on any one way of feeding raw either. Prey Model Raw (essentially, meat, bones and organs only) dries their coats/skin out quickly, and Echo will tear up the lawn eating the grass and roots and dirt without any ground veggies in her diet. So they get veggies, rarely grain- Echo can't handle it at all but the bichon girls can, eggs, yogurt, fish, RMBs of all sorts, organs, fish oil, kelp and Vit C and E.
THK results in large poops. I do think I'll use it for travelling and the rare case that I would board the girls but not making it a regularly used thing, in addition to the pricetag!
But again, as you said SillySally, I find it really insulting when I'm told I don't love my dogs because of what I feed them. Ugh.