Posted : 1/19/2010 7:46:52 PM
Bugsy hates it if it gets soggy. The only time it gets soggy is when he doesn't eat it right away due to traveling or a funny tummy so that is a factor but even when we had a 'oops' I already fed him mix-up and put his food in the fridge until feeding time he didn't want it. Doesn't like it if you soak it and put it in a kong either.
I float his food because he is hit or miss with drinking. Some days he drinks a ton others not so much so I'd rather make sure he gets some water. He loves the water in his food and drinks it first THEN eats the kibble. Its like gravy
Also he gets a ton of supplements so the water helps disperse them too
his kibble is grain free so it stays unchanged for ages and even soaked doesn't expand much - honestly like others have said I think the conflicting science means no one knows