Posted : 6/27/2009 7:28:01 PM
A bit more information for you --
1. Tapeworms come from fleas -- (ingesting a flea) -- and they are not killed by ANYTHING other than something specific for tapeworms. They are probably THE grossest thing ever -- they can look like dried pieces of rice on their butt OR they can look like long segmented wriggly things in the poop -- BEYOND gross to be honest.
They are contagious in that the fleas on this dog will carry the tape larvae and any dog can get them but it takes about THREE months for them to mature enough to break off and be seen in the poop.
Of all "worms" they are truly the least horrible as far as what they can do to the dog -- they suck the dog's nutrition essentially and if left totally untreated can kill over a period of time.
2. "other" intestinal parasites -- roundworms are *typically* a puppy thing but if never treated properly you can see them later. and honestly MOST pups have them (they lie dormant in the dog thru adulthood and are given to the pups by mom).
whips, hooks -- those are truly horrible. Picking up is CRITICAL -- and honestly, I would have told you to stop ON YOUR WAY HOME from picking this dog up to have a fecal done -- because you can NOT see them in the poop but they will cause diarreha, and worse things like anemia and they can be fatal rather quickly. They are also easily transmitted to humans (thru the soles of your feet) and you CAN NOT get them out of your yard.
There are other types of parasites -- some show, some don't. But truly -- the big risk is that if a dog has one kind it can have SEVERAL all at once. So a vet visit and a fecal is #! priority. Simply because they can be dangerous.
Certain parts of the country are more prone to them than others.
Heartguard is honestly little use -- Interceptor is far far better for them but even so, a fecal is one part of an annual vet visit you just don't want to miss (and I have mine done more often than that! I *know* I have hooks and whips in my yard from a foster who was there for TWO WEEKS about 10 years ago and this year hooks raised their ugly little mouthy-heads again this year *sigh*).
But tapes and other parasites are different -- you have to SEE tapes to know they are there -- other parasites are usually only visible in a fecal 'float' (didn't you just KNOW how much fun it was to be a vet tech?? yuck!) but it is different meds for them and sometimes you have to do a follow up visit.
IF the vet finds hooks, whips or other parasites just plain get meds for TWO -- because altho your other dog may not show it now it may be starting.
Glad this little guy has a good home now and WELCOME!! My Billy is a cocker!!!