Posted : 6/4/2009 7:16:21 PM
I should have went to the vet with my mom and Brutus, she just got back and the vet did blow it off he wormed Brutus and my mom came home with pills for the rest of the dogs. As per vet's instructions we're to wait till friday morning and see if there's any improvement even though the stool sample was free of any parasites. The vet advised against bloodwork.... Is it the vet's job to decide what a dog needs or doesn't need? Our vet won't do any thing till he sees obvious signs of illness such as the dog presents as almost dead(I hate my parents chosen dog vet).
I want to address what you've said here specifically because your observations and concern are well-founded. This is one of those cases where YOU were ***RIGHT*** and the vet was very very very wrong.
There comes a point (and this is really hard when you're young, working, and "mom and dad take over" -- but learning to be your dog's advocate is a big huge frigging deal! And this is where you will likely have to "buck city hall" and either make the sacrifice of missing school or work to go WITH the dog to the vet (despite the fact and your parents may say "We can take him easier -- you need to be in work/school/whatever" and you say "Yeah, but if I don't go I won't get to tell the vet what *I* think and he's MY dog".
That can make you darned unpopular with your folks and with the vet.
"advised against bloodwork" -- WTH?? No -- the vet said "Probably not necessary" ... and then YOU say "You know ... when you add the nausea and the other un-Brutuslike behaviors and the RISK of something like IMHA I'd a whole lot rather take the bloodwork NOW and we'll **KNOW** so I'll pay for it. Please do bloodwork **NOW**."
It will only take once or twice of YOU being right (when you go with your gut) and the vet of being WRONG for the vet to listen to you next time. You have to be very careful not to alienate the vet. So you can't just tell them they're being a horse's patoot. But you CAN say something like "Gosh, you know I see what you mean that it could be just parasites but honestly? For him not to eat and for his gums to be SO pale I'm gonna sleep easier if I know more. I don't mean to be a pain and maybe I read too much, but pretty please will you humor me and take some bloodwork? Even just pull a packed cell now and maybe some elementary liver/kidney values in house?? I'd really appreciate it."
Because quite honestly they can **die** from parasites. I lost a dog to hooks and whips about 10 years ago and I didn't find it until it was too darned late. And by the time they treated him he died during the treatment.
But it's hard when you're "young" (sometimes it seems like a curse, I know, but it's not!) and everyone is condescending like you're wanting to spend too much money, blah blah ... but the bottom line is YOU know him best. And with all the dogs I've had over the last 37 years I think the toughest lesson that I've had to learn over and over is when to say to the vet in a nice but firm tone of voice "You know -- I know him pretty well, and I can see what you're saying but frankly it just doesn't make sense with what I know of him and my gut is telling me it's MORE. Please do this ___________ test."
Some vets can get downright owly about being challenged .. but you're the one who's gonna have to pick up the pieces if something foul happens to Brutus.
So far you've been right on the money -- YOU were worried, YOU knew the vet didn't do enough ... walk on with some confidence here. You're big challenge is learning to say it in a way that isn't disrespectful and won't get you in a ton of trouble.
And by the way -- if you need to vent, email me. I understand ... truly I do.