Posted : 6/3/2009 8:52:13 AM
I wouldn't wait either -- if he's got too much pain TO go, or if it's opening a wound to go, then they'll need to give him an enema or something (it's NOT fun I've done it, but with an open sore back there you don't want to risk doing it yourself).
You could have an infected gland, or he could have something like a perianal hernia. I don't know each of your dogs well enough to know but is he intact by chance? Intact dogs (or dogs who were intact a long time) are at much higher risk for a perianal hernia -- that can present exactly like an infected anal gland (the muscle tissue around the anus splits and allows part of the intestine to poke thru). It's a nasty mess to deal with (Foxy had one, voice of experience here).
Or it could be a tumor. Honestly I would have wanted more from the vet than you got -- and if he's having THAT much pain and issue trying to defecate, I'd be at the vet first thing today. At the very least he needs stool softener (and you can give him prunes easily -- they're sweet and they tend to like them) on a regular basis til you get this resolved.
Poor guy, sounds like he was in some real distress.