Posted : 4/27/2009 3:18:52 PM
I tried the inside the house baths with my large dogs...just doesn't work for me. I even got the utility bathroom all set up with a bath mat, the shower attachment and everything. That all worked....what didn't work was the obligatory shake when they step out. LOL I even tried covering with a towel to keep the fur from flying. No go. I end up with fur wallpaper.
So, its outside with the hose. Of course, I live in SE Texas so its likely a bit warmer than some places. And, I don't typically bathe them a lot....just when absolutely necessary. Sometimes they get sponge baths with just a wash cloth...usually just their faces, when need be.
I've been known to fill up buckets with warm water (yeah, thats a pain) if its still too cool outside for hose baths.
If I had small dogs, it would be entirely different.