Posted : 6/16/2009 5:58:07 PM
Ok, NOW I'll tell you - the reason I so strongly urged you to go to the vet (aside from the very simple reason that UTI's HURT like the very devil -- they literally hurt TOO bad to continue a stream so they stop, go a few paces and start again -- it's pain that causes that) -- but when you see pink-or-tred-tinged urine RATHER than blood clots or just drops of blood in a stream it can mean that the body is attacking the blood in a different way and blood is spilling into the urine from the kidneys and that can be mega bad news.
Getting the dx of the specific uti erased that worry. I didn't want to give you a heart attack -- and because of the strong color of the urine it *sounded* like just a UTI but you just plain don't EVER want to risk it with an IMHA dog.
Part of this is a side-effect of the cyclosporine. The immune system is lowered so infection is easy anyway and for some reason the cyclosporine targets the kidneys as well as the liver. You're already using milk thistle, right?? If I were you I'd double the amount you're using -- given that the urinary tract is being targeted you need to help protect the kidneys as well as the liver and you can only do that with *large* doses of milk thistle.
Now -- UTIs -- cranberry helps because it is a form of glucose that the body doesn't process -- but essentially it helps the urinary tract be too "slippery" for infection cells to stick. So yes -- cranberry capsules for sure.
However, the thing *I* found most helpful with Billy (and Billy ran truly heinous uti's -- I saw blood clots, I saw RIVERS of blood up the center of a pee accident - scared the tar out of me) was D-Mannose. Now Brand Foods is in Canada so it should be pretty easy for you to find. If you go to their website you will find a locator that will tell you the nearest store that sells it. It is one of several brands of D-Mannose. It's pricey but *very* helpful in reducing UTIs and the pain they cause.
Now Solaray makes one that is combined with cranberry (Cranactin) -- and honestly I found it over-priced and NOT at all helpful. Somehow the proportion of cranberry to d-mannose just wasn't helpful at all.
Billy took a heaping half teaspoonful twice a day of NOW D-mannose (and there were days when I gave him a full teaspoon of it). Like I said, there ARE other brands and that IS more than you'd typically give, but quite honestly I gave him what it took to help him. It isn't digested by the body anyway. You will need to give cranberry and d-mannose ALL THE TIME. It's more preventive than 'cure' -- it will help reduce the infection now, but it will help more to prevent it from returning once the antibiotics get it gone.
Do you have any Vit C?? Give her just a bit -- say maybe 250 mg several times a day if you can. It will help acidify the urine and will help reduce some of her pain.
Also -- you need to get more water in her -- Add water to her food, LOTS of water in her food. Syring water IN her mouth. Anything to get more water in her -- part of the reason shes in so much pain is that she's not drinking which makes the infection more concentrate in the urine.
You know to give the Forti-Flora NOT at the same time as the antibiotic right?? You have to leave about 2 hours at least between any probiotic and an antibiotic or the antibiotic just kills the probiotic. Forti-Flora is a good one tho made just specifically FOR dogs.