Lump still at Rabies injection site after 2 years

    • Bronze

    Lump still at Rabies injection site after 2 years

     There was no problem with the 1 year Rabies vaccine when he was a puppy.  When he got the three year Forte-Dodge vaccine there was an immediate lump at the site.  I had the vet check it, and he was not worried.  A year later, I had the vet take a look, and he did not seem concerned.  I have asked a couple of vets during other check-ups over the past two years about the lump at the vaccine site and none of them ever seemed concerned.

    Has anyone else had a long-term lump at a rabies vaccine site? \


    • Gold Top Dog

    My 9 yr old JRT developed a lump after his recent rabies vac but it is going away after about two weeks.  This was the first time he had a reaction.  His vaccine was not from Fort Dodge, although I don't know if that has anything to do with the reaction.  I don't like Fort Dodge in general.  Sorry I have no advice but if several Vets have told you not to worry and you trust them, then don't worry.  Well, maybe I would ask them to aspirate the lump but I am a worrier.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes I've seen it --

    a) never let them give him his rabies in that area again

    b) it's from the shot not distributing properly -- between your thumb and forefinger pick up the lump (as much as you can without being hurtful) and just "pluck" at it -- do it 2-3 places along the lump and do it a couple of times a day as you think of it. 

    That will stimulate circulation to the site and usually it will diminish it pretty quickly -- not instantly but over a couple of months it should help it go away

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ena has a lump where she got her rabies shot.... It's been several months. Immediately after the shot, while she was still screaming, I started rubbing the area to help "move" the shot. I don't know why she still has a lump, but it's visible, and it bothers me.


    I'm going to start  "plucking" at it, like Callie says.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Its like scar tissue, from a small reaction to the rabies on the skin in that area.  Some eventually do get smaller.  Shouldnt happen though..

    • Gold Top Dog

    My vet said rub it when I noticed it a couple of days later.......and we did rub it. It was gone about 2 days after we started.

    I work for a vet...I can't tell you how many people ask about the same thing.