Posted : 12/14/2007 1:04:44 PM
I won't try human conditioner on my dogs because they are so big and have so much fur (and double coats) it would take hours to rinse them! I can't imagine having to groom a Malamute or Pyr. I use any cheap dog shampoo that does not have an offensive smell (for them). Basically, I want them wet for brushing, not really shampooing/conditioning, though they get greasy in certain spots. I use Miracle Coat spray leave-in conditioner. I like the smell, it's not oily, and it makes their black hair look stronger and more sleek. In the summer, a "bath" = swimming, being rubbed with shampoo, swimming again, shaking dry, lying in the sun, lol.
I can see where the pH differences could be harmful, but it's not like we're putting shampoos/conditioners on dogs and leaving it there. After a good rinse and proper dry, I don't think it would matter unless the dog had really sensitive skin.