Posted : 7/12/2007 2:05:56 PM
Thanks for all the help. We have a cone on him, and are giving him the Benedryl twice a day. He's a good sport during the whole thing. I'll report back when he stops itching.
Have you tried an elimiination diet to see if he has food allergies; you need to feed him a protein and carb that he hasn't had before. My veterinary dermatologist put Jessie on a special diet right away to see if she had food allergies, and she was allergic to chicken. Natural Balance makes some good foods to try. They make a duck and potato, fish and potato, and venison and rice; [link][/link]. Petco carries their foods, and you can order them online. You can also cook the diet if you wish. If he's allergic to some of the ingredients in his food, you should see an improvement within a month, although it may take longer.
Did you try the black tea for his paws; it honestly does help, and it may eliminate the need for the cone. For under his tail, try some aloe vera gel or preparation H cooling gel; I have a dog with allergies and it soothes the irritated skin, especially in the anal region. Honestly, for a dog that itches so much he needs a cone, the Benedryl alone probably won't be enough to relieve the itching.
Have you tried the fatty acid supplements; they take several weeks to work but if you're patient they should provide some relief. Good luck and I hope the poor boy feels better soon.