Lump on neck

    • Gold Top Dog

    Lump on neck

    My friends dog recently got a tennis ball size lump on his neck out of the blue.  It came on really fast, like one day it wasn't there the next it was.  It's a Cockerspaniel and the lump is about 2/3 the size of a tennis ball.  She took him to the vet and they did some blood work and said he had an infection but had no idea what it was.  It was rock hard so he couldn't lance it open.  The dog seemed to be in no pain and the lump was rock hard.  Now the lump is still there but has gotten a lot softer, although now it's causing him pain if you touch it.  He wasn't eating anything on Tuesday but now, Wed. he's eating and playing although it's still painful.  Every day it's getting softer and softer. 

    My question is, does anyone have any idea what it could have been?  Anyone ever seen this?  My guess was a snake bite but who knows.
    • Silver
    A friend of mine just brought her daughter to the Dr. for a lump on her neck. They determined that she had gotten bit by a tick, and it drained into her lymph node. Maybe that's what happened to your friends dog.
    • Gold Top Dog
    There was a tick, actually two an one was right near the lump.  Not sure why Frontline didn't keep them away.
    • Gold Top Dog
    There was a tick, actually two an one was right near the lump. Not sure why Frontline didn't keep them away.

    Frontline kills ticks, but does not repell them. 
    Natural repellents:[font="times new roman"]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Well the lump is going down more and more every day.  Last night it actually came open, almost like a giant zit and has been draining.  He's going back to the vet today so we'll see what happens. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    Sounds exactly like what my big dog had years ago; if it is, it will go away, just be patient and make sure she is not wearing a collar or anything that will rub on it.
    • Puppy
    i don't think its anything too serious. the lump will fade away soon enough. anyways, tell ur friends to be extra wary of ticks and fleas. i recommend usage of a tick collar. they're very effective (in case of my dog, she hasn't got one single tick since she's been using them), not too expensive. an average tick collar lasts about 6 months after which it requires change
    • Gold Top Dog
    i recommend usage of a tick collar.

    I don't!!   It is dangerous to cats, other dogs, and even your dog if it slips the collar.  See below.
    [size=3]Preventic collar

    • Bronze

    I know exactly what sort of a lump you're talking about, because my dog too has the same lump. While I was trying to find ways to prevent neck pain, I came across this read. I bet my dog is in a world of pain right now.

    • Puppy

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