Why does my dog stick her tongue out?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Why does my dog stick her tongue out?

    Okay, so it seems basic right? Dogs stick their tongues out to regulate temperature (when, of  course they aren't using it to sass you behind your back).  I also know dogs with no teeth with stick their tongues out cuz there's nothing to hold it back. But I have 2 chihuahuas and have noticed, that as time goes on - they both stick their tongues out!

    Sometimes it's before I put their bowls down. Okay, understandable.
    Most of the time, it's when they are very tired. Okay, we've all been there.
    But sometimes - they just stick 'em out.  For no apparent reason to me.
    I don't remember them doing it as much as they do now, either.

    It doesn't concern me as a health issue - I was just curious - does anyone else's dog do this? And do you know why?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think we need pictures of Chis with sticky outty tongues to appropriately address this question[;)]

    I don't really know, LOL.  Dogs pant if they're anxious or excited. In a kennel setting, I've noticed that they'll pant when they have to potty (probably because they're anxious about it, and don't know how to ask to go out).

    My Dachshund also sticks hers out, sometimes, for no apparent reason. She has all of her teeth. Her mouth is closed. It just sticks out, on occasion. I figure, she's goofy.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Is their mouth open or closed when their tongues stick out?

    Dogs that have had some sort of nerve damage to their head or neck can have glossopharyngeal or facial nerve paralysis that will cause the tonge to stick out. If there is severe nerve damage, the muscles can atrophy and the tongue will curl to one side (think worlds ugliest dog competition)

    When my dog is just a little hot, but not too hot to pant, she will sit with her mouth open and tongue just barely hanging out.
    • Gold Top Dog
    It is an appeasement gesture. Dogs do it with each other and with us as a sign that they are deferring the higher status to the other dog or to the person. My 80 lb dog does this with most new people and dogs. He is a dog with excellent social skills that people love and doesn't have conflicts with other dogs.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Is their mouth open or closed when their tongues stick out?

    Dogs that have had some sort of nerve damage to their head or neck can have glossopharyngeal or facial nerve paralysis that will cause the tonge to stick out.

    My year old female Siberian does this just a little.  She may have this that you describe.  When she was younger, she wouldn't close her eyes necessarily when you pat her face, and you ended up patting eyeballs.  
     Does it improve with age and development sometimes??
    The vet mentioned that possibility when I brought her in for the eye injury she had couple mos ago.  ?