Dog Sores on Groin Area and Inflamed Lip.....Any Thoughts?

    • Bronze

    Dog Sores on Groin Area and Inflamed Lip.....Any Thoughts?

    My 2 1/2 year old black lab just began developing circular pock marks in his groin area about two days ago.  He isn't acting like he's in any pain, but something like that does worry me.  The left side of his lips are also inflamed and rather red.  He's always been a licker, but I haven't noticed him licking where the sores are.  I've been too hasty and have taken him into the vet for things before, and, a couple of hundred dollars later, found out that there wasn't really any need to do so.  He isn't acting any differently than he normally does, which brings my hesitation to take him in for this.

    If anybody has had a dog who was in a similar situation before or has any ideas I would REALLY appreciate hearing them!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi its a reaction to something, if he is itching you can usually give benadryl but that is just a quick fix for itching and can calm things down, but please take him to a vet just to be safe, better to treat things now than to have something serious go wrong. With his lips being swollen too that's not something to wait on, just incase things are swelling inside as well. It could be something as simple as a steroid and an anitbiotic but better to be safe than sorry and get him to a vet. Please, keep us posted. Thanks and good luck.

    • Bronze

    Excellent, thank you so much for the insight Michele, I appreciate it.  As soon as I read this, I made an appointment for him to see the doctor later today.  I will write when I get more information.  Thank you again!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree with Michelle -- altho the two could be totally un-related as well.  I couldn't see close enough in the picture to get a good idea of if the circles were "flat' to the skin or raised --  I would look thru the coat and see if you can find others??  If it were any sort of a bite something could have crawled into the coat.  If that's the only place like that it could be some sort of a contact thing./allergy

    Please let us know -- that's a conundrum.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    And just as a P.S. -- I hope your vet isn't making you feel stupid nor small for bringing him in -- taking a dog in when you have not a clue what something is -- that is just plain SMART.  You aren't a vet ... and making sure something isn't important ... I never consider that a wasted vet visit.  You are simply being careful and that is to be lauded -- not feeling stupid.

    don't only think you haven't wasted money when something was really wrong.  It's NEVER a waste of money to find out that something is ok ... it builds your reputation with the vet as conscientious ... and it's a learning curve for you.    There are times when things that look absolutely "no big deal"  can turn out to be a VERY big deal, and  waiting could have been lethal.  

    YOU know your dog -- and you are pretty astute about what's new and wasn't like that before.  That can only be a GOOD thing.  

    • Bronze

    Well thank you both so much!  And Callie, your P.S. really made me feel much more confident in going in today.  There have been multiple times where I have gone in and then walked out feeling a fool.

    But!  After our visit to the vet today, we learned that Django has both a bacterial and yeast infection.  He's now being treated with an ointment to both his lip and feet (he has the beginnings of sores between the webbing of his toes) and is on an antibiotic for the flat sores on his groin.  Not sure how he contracted the infection, but definitely keeping a close eye on him.

    I feel a thousand times better now that I've gone in, and I'm sure he will in a few days, as well.  The vet was extremely helpful and told me signs that I should go back in for a check-up.  I''m so glad that I found this online community...the advice was really helpful!

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    • Gold Top Dog

    Great! So happy to help. I totally agree with Callie about vet visits always better to be safe than sorry, you know your dog better than anyone and something like that left untreated can get worse and your dog just won't feel well. Better to put your mind at ease. Please keep us posted and look to us for help and fun stuff too! So happy you joined us.