Positive lymes test

    • Gold Top Dog

    Positive lymes test

    So I brought Luna to the vet today for her allergies and also got bloodwork done so she can get her teeth cleaned. The vet did a heartworm and Lymes test and the Lymes came back positive! Total surprise to me, Luna had shown no symptoms and I am usually very vigilant in checking her and picking any ticks I see off her.

    The vet prescribed Doxycycline for 30 days. Even though she is showing no symptoms should I believe the test and go through with the full 30-day dose? As long as there are no serious side effects I don't see the harm in giving her the meds. What do you think?

    Also, on a side note, has anyone else in the New Jersey area been experiencing worse than normal allergies in their pups? Luna's eyes, ears, and skin have been terrible!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Absolutely -- and honestly 30 days of doxy is kinda nothing in the vast scheme of tick disease.  It's not unheard of for it to take many months to treat tick disease.  In fact, when it's all done -- don't let more than 2 days elapse -- go STRAIGHT back to the vet for another test.  You want to test as soon as you're out of doxy because you DO NOT want her to become resistant to it.  (if you run out of an antibiotic and the "bug" survives the antibiotic?  The bug then is "resistant" (in other words the bug's DNA says "we survived that -- pfffffffffftttttttttttttttttttttt!!!)  So you want to test her to make SURE the tick disease is gone before you stop the drug.