Posted : 8/8/2013 10:07:30 PM
If they are talking "cold laser" or "electronic acupuncture" -- I've had it and it doesn't work well for me. However -- regular acupuncture can absolutely rock to aid healing. I can be unabelivably helpful.
Don't think that if you are in a rural area that there isn't "stuff like that here" -- it tends to be MOST popular in agrarian ares because it works so incredibly well on horses and cows.
Vets who learned acupuncture via IVAS (it's a certifying agency for vet acupuncture) tend to LOVE the electronic gizmos. Particularly because the word "needle" will send so many humans in orbit ... AND because it "looks" like it would be less painful.
The truth is -- acupuncture is NOT painful. Not in the slightest. Particularly the traditional needle acupuncture -- it is beyond compare for aiding healing of injuries and surgery. - there is a locator on the left if you are interested. It would very likely shorten her healing time. Email me and I'll give you some help on how to look for someone that will work well with you.