Posted : 9/13/2012 3:50:34 PM
good for you!!
Wow -- I so hope you have found a different vet!! Some vets seem to think they should make decisions for people "they won't want to spend money" -- wait a minute. *I* am the owner!! MY decision!!
Vitamin K to coagulate her blood, Denosyl antioxidants to improve her liver
Vitamin K is the typical thing given as the antidote to warfarin poisoning.
Denosyl is actually a veterinary grade of SAM-e. it has been so refined it's no longer a 'supplement' -- it's actually a pharmaceutical at that point. S-Adenosyl methionine (ademetionine, SAM, SAMe, SAM-e) is actually something (well the "SAM" part of it) BY the liver itself. So SAM-e is not an anti-oxidant as such -- but is supplemetal to something the body can't produce enough of.
Most human SAM-e is in little blister packs/heavy duty gelcaps. They're made to be enteric (meaning they dissolve/digest in the small intestine) and dogs don't do that well. So if you use human SAM-e you have to clip the capsules and squish it out, OR use something like CellFood SAM-e (that's another brand) which is a liquid and readily absorbed).
Essentially Denosyl/SAM-e is a detox for the liver. It can hugely help bring down high liver values.
You would probably be wise, even at this point, to add milk thistle to her diet. That's good liver support on an on-going basis (in times of crisis it's a good protectant for the liver).
It is WONDERFUL to see your story. Tell everyone you can. So often people think they have to give up. The liver *can* regenerate as long as it's not too badly damaged.
By the way welcome!!!