Help with hip dysplasia?!?!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Help with hip dysplasia?!?!

    Lady is laying in the bathroom, and she wont come out. She won't wag her tail, she doesn't want to eat her treat... (she ate it eventually, but not very excitedly). I believe she already has hip dysplasia, but she has moved around... now she's not moving... could her dysplasia pain be making her do that? And if so, I know someone here offered me help once with it, right when I got on the site... but does anyone know anything that can help it? Money is tight... so, any human medicines or remedies? Thank you so much... I am very worried.
    • Gold Top Dog

     (((Meagan))) It's impossible to know what the problem is; it sounds like you've never found out if she really has hip dysplasia. I can certainly sympathize with not being able to afford taking her to an evet. If her gums aren't pale and she's breathing okay (not panting or gasping for breath), you may be able to wait until morning and call your regular vet. I'm so sorry I can't help more. There probably aren't many people on the forum this late.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ((((Meagan))))  gosh I'm sorry -- but usually dysplasia doesn't onset like that -- can the dog not stand?  Look at the gums -- are they pale?  Is there a lot of panting?  (that often indicates pain).

    If the floor is slippery in there she may be unable to get up?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I finally got her to get up... we went to Subway, and when we came back, I coaxed her out of the bathroom, and she seemed fine... her gums were fine, she wasn't panting... I don't know what was wrong with her... I just thought maybe she might have been in a lot of pain... maybe she was just in a bad mood... and maybe she didn't want her treat because other members of the household have been spoiling her with them too much... is there any human medicine that helps with the pain though? I just want to see if it makes a difference... I can tell that it bothers her, but she never really shows extreme "pain"... she's so playful, and wants to run and jump with the others, but she tries, and she can't. :(
    • Gold Top Dog

    Unfortunately, there really aren't any human pain meds that you can safely give her. Ibuprofen and tylenol are definitely out and aspirin can cause other problems (bleeding ulcers). Rimadyl or Tramadol might help but you'd need to see a vet to have her diagnosed first. I did think that Cetyl M helped my senior girl for the last couple years of her life. You can buy it online. It took a couple of weeks before I thought I saw improvement, so you'll have to be patient. I hope your girl is feeling better today but if not, I'd really try to find a way to get her seen by a vet. Good luck!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Glad she got up.  Yes, pain could make her act like that.  As already mentioned, she really needs a vet visit for diagnosis, and for hip dysplasia I think they need an x ray to make that determination.

    Once you / the vet know WHAT is wrong, then remedies, relief, can be prescribed.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm sorry you are dealing with this. It's not easy to watch our dog in pain. Even if you can't afford xrays, a vet can help you decide best steps to keep her comfortable. Please take her on Monday if you can.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Poor pupper :(  As the others have said, hip dyplasia is ruled in/out by x-ray *only*.  There is no way any person even a vet can observe symptoms and diagnose or rule out hip dysplasia.  However it's quite easy to diagnose or rule out based on proper x-rays.  Many dogs with moderate HD live active, symptom-free lives if they are on the right diet, supplements, and exercise program.