A couple of months ago we noted that Honey was driniking an excessive amount of water, and my first thoughts were UTI or diabetes. Took her in but my rebular vet was at a seminar and had one filling in for him. She did urinalysis and blood panel and said Honey had to much protein in blood and urine and put her on antibitocis for 2 weeks.
I took her back in a moth later--and there was no real change. Saw my vet then. He told me to puther on tht Science Diet KD and 30 days of cirpo. I did. Was suppose to take her back in Monday, but hubby didn't get in from South caronlina til late and I had to cancel tht morning appointment. Rickey was swamped the next day, but i asked the tech about bringing in a sample and us go from there. She said that would be fine.
So I caught her first morning "business" and we took it in and about an hour later the tech called and said rickey wanted her to stay on the cipro for another 30 days and they had it ready, and tht he wanted to talk to me . he was so swamped and had had an emergency surgery that morning and was so far behind, no way vould i gt to see him yestrday.
naturally i was scared to death. We took her in this afternoon and he said her PH was still off, but everything else was in the normal range and except for the PH she wa fine. It had imporved some, but he wants more improvment. so the 30 days more of cipro and the KD and then another urinalysis.
he checked her over and said she is doing GREAT for a golden her age (womewhere between 10 1/2 and 11). she has a small lump under and towards the front of her right front leg so he took a needled and drew from it and it wa all fat, no cancer. he was pretty sure that would be the result, but wanted to really check it.
Anway, we will just hae to wait out the month and see if she needs this axdditive to her food for PH level or not. Meanwhile, she is more playful that most 2 year old, tossing her toys around and pouncing on them, running up and down the fence with the dgos behind us, spinning and barking to get attention, getting into mischeif, etc.