Posted : 2/10/2012 3:40:48 PM
I've known of LOTS of cases where Lyme has had to be treated 8 - 10 months.
Given what you're saying -- it honestly might not hurt to protect your back with something extra like a consult with a TCVM vet or simliar.
Since they are giving prednisone -- you need to be giving milk thistle. You probably should be monitoring the bloodwork (not just a CBC but look at liver/kidney values with long term abx use like that). Milk thistle will not only help protect the liver, but it will also actually help the body process the drug BETTER (which could shorten the term you need it for). And, of course, it's also a good detox as well.
Milk thistle capsulels are pricey (and frankly, the dog doesn't digest the gelcap all that well). You can get a whole pound of milk thistle powder for about $20.00 (that's equal to about $250 worth of capsules) and that should pretty well cover shipping as well. is the place I use -- and that's using high quality certified organic herb (let's just say it's more like $300 worth of capsules cos organic would be more costly). All you'd have to do is put about a teaspoon of the powder in River's food twice a day (if he eats kibble you'll want to add a topper to make the milk thistle "stick".
I would continue the milk thistle long after the pred is done because just taking abx for that long warrants milk thistle.
It would just make it easier on his body. And I"m assuming you're already doing a probiotic for him? Switch those up -- don't use the same probiotic week after week. Your vet should have some (Purina makes one vet's sell and I can't remember the name of it -- then after a box of that do yogurt for a month or two, then switch to a health store probiotic -- the body gets lazy and if you do something like that the same day after day the body will ignore it).
You could also do a nice essential oil like peppermint or wintergreen that would further alleviate soreness. Just pull back his coat and touch on a few drops and rub a bit. The more you rub the more 'heat' he'll get and the more oil you use the more heat he'll get. This is **essential oil** not food flavoring. Health store item -- it's what gives Ben Gay or Mineral Ice the ability to work but the essential oils don't gunk up the fur like human stuff does.
[edited to save someone's sanity -- thanks Freedom!!]