Posted : 2/8/2012 1:57:04 PM
Giardia can be the devil to get rid of -- and a lot of things are becoming resistant to strongid.
The biggest risk is the fact that this causes inflammation -- long term inflammation in the intestinal tract DOES have some pretty nasty side effects. Any time you get organ-type tissue that is inflamed long term you get dysfunction that is permanent. So it's not something you just want to not treat.
HOWEVER -- that said -- wasn't it you who was less than thrilled about how the vet was charging for testing that hadn't been done? (no accusation there -- just trying to remember) -- I'm wondering how come the vet called you and said "problem" when you hadn't taken them in to be tested?? or did I misunderstand.but how recent is this sample?
I'm stumbling over you not wanting to treat unless you see soft stool -- so why'd you take them in if there was no soft stool (unless this was that "you will RE-TEST on ___" stuff)
Giardia is typically gonna cause soft stool -- like as in "UGH MAKE IT STOP" So if you're not showing any sign of it? I'm wondering how they think they have giardia?
see - I"m not saying this well -- but USUALLY the problem is the reverse -- you got MEGA soft stool and no one can find nuffin!! And here, you got ok stool and they're TELLING you that you have giardia?
That would unsettle me. Big time