Posted : 12/14/2011 4:05:40 PM
Just be sure the vet has addressed the possibility of heart problems and/or heartworm. Bronchitis in dogs DOES surely happen -- but heart problems and heartworm problems are more common.
There are alternative things that can help all three things.
I lost my Billy in March to a heart attack. We'd known for 3 years he had heart issues (and was treated) but suddenly he developed this "cough" and I had TWO vets (two good vets, in fact) who really thought it sounded like kennel cough.
I had a dog years ago who had a compromised heart because she'd had heartworm for YEARS that went untreated. It gave her an enlarged heart -- and she coughed A LOT. The heartworm had literally stretched her heart -- we got the heartworm treated (the slow way -- the vets wouldn't even touch her with the immiticide). She coughed every day of her life - she was 10 when she came to us ("Just give her a place that's warm on your kitchen floor -- she'll only live a month or so";) -- SIX AND A HALF YEARS LATER she finally went to the Bridge.
Cough? Oh yeah. BUT sometimes it was the crappy lungs ... sometimes it was "heart".
This is why I"m prodding you. It can be tough to tell the difference.
ALL are treatable (and it's not a huge deal). But different treatments. (alternative? Yep -- either in concert with a bit of regular meds or alone)