Bright red blood happens on my dog rectum

    • Puppy

    Bright red blood happens on my dog rectum

    I’m worrying there is bright red blood on my dog rectum. My dog is diagnosed with IBS and requires Viokase due to an enzyme deficiency. She always licks her rectum after she has a bowel movement. I’ve been using refrigerated witch hazel on a cotton ball pressed to her rectum for roughly 2 minutes per application *removed by moderator*


    • Gold Top Dog
    If you're worried - I'd get her to the vet as soon as possible!
    • Gold Top Dog

    This was essentially spam -- the link the mods removed was a link to this same post on a "pay for an answer" weird board.  You ask a question and then you get an answer and you 'Pay' (or bid somehow) on the answer you like??  Beyond strange.  Why would someone ask a question here trying to get someone to post that same answer somewhere that poster would have to pay to get the answer?

    Dunno -- and they said rock 'n roll would never catch on *rolling eyes*

    • Gold Top Dog

    sure caught me eye~!