Posted : 11/7/2011 10:50:59 PM
We went in and talked to the vet at length and he said he was comparing the different tests to get a whole picture and that one of the several liver enzyme tests being slightly lower when the other were all well withing normal range didn't worry him but that it would be something to watch over the long term. So I'm satisfied with that.
Thyroid was 1.1 which is pretty low to me so I asked if we could try giving a tiny dose of drug for that and he said probably not really necessary but shouldn't hurt. If she gets nervous or shows signs of discomfort from it it can be stopped so I'm going to try that when we have her allergic itching under control which is why we had gone in in the first place.
Misty started itching all over about 6 weeks ago. She has a grass allergy and takes a tiny dose of prednisone during the summer months but this started after we'd had snow and it was everywhere on her not just feet chewing. i thought it might be yeast and switched to a low carb no potato or grain food ( Nutrisca lamb, Instinct salmon; 1 scant cup twice a day dressed with a little Ziwipeak canned. Also salmon oil and acidophilus/pro-enzyme supplement). Vet said more allergies, probably environmental. He did a skin test and saw bacteria but no yeast so prescribed a mild round of antibiotics and prednisone and an antibacterial shampoo. Misty has responded really well and seems to feel great and her red sore feet are a healthy color again and she isn't scratching at all. So now I'm supposed to wean her off of the prednisone and see how things go. I've really scrubbed the areas of the house where she spends most of her time as they had gotten really dusty (blush). I hope maybe the extra cleaning will be the cure but if not we'll go for allergy testing, etc.
Janice, thank you for that link too; I'll study it, it has a lot of information!
Thank you all for the help, does it sound like we're on the right track?