So it's been a couple months since starting Maze down the holistic path and I must say, I'm impressed. Her coat is nice and shiny (with the exception of a couple spots), her odor is almost gone, her fur is growing back from where she pulled it out. She did loose some weight so she's now 40lbs instead of 45lbs. You can see her hip bones so I'm working on getting the weight back on her.
Her energy has changed. I don't know if it makes sense, but before she paced and whined and her energy felt restless and nervous. Now, she can relax and her energy feels settled. She's happy with minor games and is content to curl up and cuddle. Whereas before she always wanted to go harder and longer. When I stopped the game, she would whine and moan.
Thursday I took her for a walk and we ended up at the beach. Once off leash, she RAN in to the water. She chased sticks out in to the water. Maze SWAM for the first time that day. If you guys remember, Maze HATED water with a passion. She'd get her toes wet and that was that. But that day... She was jumping and diving in the water like the Lab she is.
Yes she's on quite a bit of medication right now but I'm willing to keep at it as long as I can see that look on her face again as she pranced around the beach, soaking wet with a stick in her mouth.
My baby girl is finally comfy in her own skin...